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Kasol known as the mini Israel in Himachal Pradesh, kasol is a hill station in parvati valley, on the way to the pilgrim town of manikaran. it is located 42 km east of kullu at a height of 1640m.

Kasol is an ideal destination for backpackers, trekkers and nature enthusiats due to its scenic valley , untouched mountains and great climate throughout the year. it is an important base for trekking towards SarPass, Yanker Pass, Pin Parbati Pass and Khirganga.

Kasol is an ideal for vacation if you want to chill in the lap of nature. the village is an open space by the banks of the Parvati River where one can spend lazy afternoons. However , permission from forest department is required for trout fishing in the river. Parvati river at Kasol is ideal for white water rafting.

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